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Message to Parents

Hi ABC Kids Parents and Church Family,

As you know, we have had tremendous growth in the area of our Kids Ministry in the last 18 months.  With an average of 50 kids on any given meeting day, our classes are full of life and fun digging into God's Word and with that comes a need for extra security measures to keep each of those children safe.  We as staff have discussed some of the things that we as a church need to implement and follow so that we are all working together to keep our kids safe especially since we are so spread out on our campus.  The list below is some of our biggest concerns right now and your help is greatly appreciated.

1. Wednesday nights:  If you are dropping off your child ages Pre-K thru 6th grade, please do not drop them off early and leave.  We ask that you bring them to their classroom at 6:30pm.  Prior to 6:30 our teachers are preparing to teach your children or enjoying fellowship with the rest of the church at the church-wide meal.  If you send money with your child to eat please make sure that you or another trusted person in your family is left with them and will bring them to their appropriate class at 6:30pm.  

2.  Pick up from all kids activities needs to be by a parent or guardian.  This includes Sundays and Wednesday nights.  On Wednesday nights the Bridge 56 leaders have been bringing the 5th and 6th graders over to the kids fenced in area to play games when they are done with class and that is absolutely fine.  Just make sure that you as parents are walking over to the fence to take them when it's time to leave.

3.  We are still in the process of working out the bugs with our check in system.  When it is up and going 100% we will ask that parents check the kids in to all kids classes and events.  There will be more on that when we get it going.

Please talk to your children about these things.  Help them understand that even though in the past they've been pretty free to roam around, we must implement safety precautions on their behalf.  We are steadily growing, and it is harder to keep an eye on everyone.  Most importantly, we do this because we love them.

Jamie Smith
ABC Kids Ministry
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