You yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.
1 Peter 2:5

Future Foundation Tumblers!
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The Strategic Planning Team along with the staff and other church leadership has worked diligently over the last year to provide a plan to address the following needs of the ministry at Anderson Baptist Church: Improved Parking Areas, Additional Worship Space, Additional Children's Ministry Space, and Improved Student Ministry Space. The proposed master plan meets our ministry needs and sets a great FOUNDATION for the future as we continue to share Jesus with the growing population in and around Anderson. The vision and plan will provide another 75 improved parking spaces, more restroom facilities, a secure children's ministry worship and activity space through renovations of the existing Mueller Activity Building, a fellowship and gathering place as you enter the new worship area, and a new 400 seat worship center. A facelift to the existing Mueller Activity Building along with the new worship center construction will provide a cohesive look to the campus of Anderson Baptist Church. Mark Todd Architects did an amazing job of tying the look of our historic Rock Sanctuary to the proposed new facilities. The stone tower will be another landmark in the community and will be visible down Main Street. This will provide great opportunity as we invite visitors to meet us 'at the cross' for our services. Anderson Baptist Church has a rich heritage and an exciting future! Our prayer is every member will participate within the means God has given them to set FUTURE FOUNDATIONS which will continue the ministry of Anderson Baptist Church for many more decades. Please pray, commit, and give as God directs.

Pray for God's guidance as we seek His will for our family of faith. Our desire is for every member to play a role in the future of Anderson Baptist Church.

Commit to the vision, commit to the work, and commit to being a part of this incredible opportunity as we establish FUTURE FOUNDATIONS which will continue ministries in our community.

Give what God places on your heart toward this vision. When you give, 10% of every gift will go to revitalize or to begin new churches. We want to invest beyond our church walls to spread the gospel.